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64GB Clip MP3 Player Mini Portable Music Player with FM Radio Recording Music mp3 Player for Kids with Pedometer Mp4 Player

64GB Clip MP3 Player Mini Portable Music Player with FM Radio Recording Music mp3 Player for Kids with Pedometer Mp4 Player

Regular price $33.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $33.55 USD
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Product Description

64GB Clip Mp3 Player with Bluetooth 5.3

MECHEN A11 Clip MP3 player, the perfect solution for music lovers on the go. This lightweight clip-on MP3 player boasts an impressive 64 GB of storage, allowing you to carry up to 10,000 of your favorite songs or audiobooks. Additionally, the built-in microSD card slot provides the option to expand your storage capacity even further.

Designed with the active individual in mind, the MECHEN A11 Clip Mp3 player is equipped with a clip for easy attachment to clothing, making it the perfect companion for sports and outdoor activities.

Weighing in at only 30g (1.05 oz) and measuring 2.95*1.56*0.5(inch), this mp3 player is super light and portable, ensuring maximum comfort and convenience during use.

The MECHEN A11 Clip Mp3 player is compatible with most popular audio formats, including MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, WAV, OGG, and AAC. Additionally, it features an FM radio tuner, providing even more listening options.

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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
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Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
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